Sorry for the long time no uploads! I had 4 different videos fall apart :/
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Anything you fit in this triangle, i'll pay for it bet. Let's go. I think i want to start right here, bro you're, starting off with the tv. Where are you going to put it? We can put this right on the line.

Oh my gosh, i just realized how big this triangle is. You want another tv i'll, take two bro, so oh you do realize. If this touches the red line, he loses it. You almost just made him loose.

Do you hate me tariq? What if we use those big tvs and then you can put other things on top of them adam? You can walk away with a million dollars. Don't let chris screw you. I thought that was the bathroom. You got to stand it up.

You got to stand it up, one two go go tv's in. We need to start going over with it, lift your side up a little bit. There you go there we go. We have now created a tv table guys we can get that 85 inch.

On top of this one and make a double table, do you guys want to do another tv table on this tv? Absolutely there is zero chance. This is happening. You almost touched it watch out man all right, one, two, three all right, chandler hold on we're going down with it. Slowly, there's no way this just works.

These boxes are starting to bow something's bound to go wrong van. I think we're good right here. Okay, never in a million years when i laid down this triangle, did i think, you'd fit this much stuff, adam managed to fit over 23 000 worth of stuff in this triangle, which is only a fraction of what other people later in this video want. It gets crazy.

This is a parking lot just kidding, it's a giant red triangle and anything you fit in this triangle, i'll pay for it follow me, i'm pretty sure you could fit this entire sam's club in that triangle. If you wanted, i'm gon na try the reason why darren has such a big triangle outside is. He actually runs. My food pantry boom.

Cart. Number one part number, two, oh drop. Your pistachios part number three. We maybe filled up half a percent of the triangle.

Darren grab as much as you want we're gon na head out now we're inside a game stop and if you can fit the entire store in this triangle, i'll pay for it. What the heck, i think, it'd be pretty easy. Actually, if you're with me, we can do anything, we're gon na move it all over there and then we're gon na plant. It wait, wait.

We can't put it in a circle. Yet it's a triangle. I never passed geometry chandler. If once hits the edge, they lose.

How did you do that? Carl, it's okay, bro zealous, come here. Buddy, i'm gon na need you to leave all right, see you guys bye. I love you guys, i'm so excited it's! Okay. This time we brought two people.

How about a boys? Is the shelf for sale? The shelf could hold all of the small loose items. Oh, these guys were so serious about winning that they used the tape measure to measure the dimensions of the triangle and then measure the dimensions of the boxes, so they could perfectly fit them in. We are almost out of space here, bring me three more games. We need to move some of these things over to this side.
What do you think the configuration we build, a perimeter side by side vertically and then set one on top? We have crossed the line. You can put it down. You put these large boxes, you filled it to the brim in the middle and you still have over half the store left. Where do you go from here up? This is possibly the craziest thing i've ever seen in my life and the funny part is.

They still have a lot of stuff left. Do we just keep going up from here? There's nowhere else to go, sir. We can't build down i've, never liked funko pops, but now i hate them more than ever. Hey.

Let me tell you right now: when you're coming up these funkos right here started shaking they did that that's exactly what they did. There's a lot of opportunity for everything to go wrong and i will cry. Oh, my god. He has less than one pinky away from the triangle.

What else is there to do this will fit, but to fit it has to go down on the ground and slide in and it'll touch the triangle, so we don't put that there yep. This has gone too far, the dude's shoveling stuff in a crack in between two boxes, guys, you got about 10 items left. I am so stressed out right, i'm stressed out for them come on; let's just do it. Okay, that is not straight.

That is not straight at all. I see what you're doing and i love it. Could you not have made the triangle just like a little bit bigger we're having so much fun all right, it's what we've all been waiting for! This is all the marbles. Everyone's got.

Ta, let go at the same time. Three, two one, everyone let go everyone. Let go. No one touching! Oh look! Congratulations! Oh my god.

Oh my god. Nothing is touching it. We did it. I don't know how you did it.

What did you do today? Oh, i went to work. I had some dinner. What did you do? I won a game stop. How is this still up here? Ironically, this is my third time buying a gamestop triple fist bump.

You might be wondering why is there a giant triangle in front of a car dealership well as many cars as she can fit in that triangle, i'll pay for it? Here's the thing: if any of these cars touch the red lines you lose, which is why we brought these boards to get the cars over the line. All right, you two are the board, guys that, good to you, carl, this is slanted, but you don't want her to win a bunch of cars all right as straight as you can. Okay, oh all right. The first car is in the triangle and it did not touch it.

Shirley seemed like a really sweet lady, so me, and the boys definitely did everything we could to make sure she won all right, keep going come forward, yep all right, yeah, let's go more cars. Hunting more cars; okay, he better move you're good! Oh, oh, that one was close. Oh clean that was close, clean, okay, yeah keep coming. It looks good to me all right yeah.
It does look all right back wheels, you're, good you're, good you're, good you're, good, no you're, good, you're, good terrifying, now, you're, good you're, good, you're, good you're good one more time. No you're good she's got close to a hundred thousand dollars in this triangle. This is serious. Okay, if you make her lose you're gon na see a grown woman cry, i think you're gon na completely on nolan.

Why me she just picked her next car and it's one of the biggest ones on the lot. We got to be careful. This one looks easy, but if we mess up okay, it's all gone. Oh okay! Let's do this? Hey! Don't worry! You got this okay! Oh! It worked you're, good, you're, good, you're good.

Now it's just the back wheels just the back wheels. No, it's getting them! Just! Don't even move you now have five cars in the triangle over a hundred grand okay. Are you going for another? Are you calling it here? No, i'm counting. Congratulations! Thank you.

What are you even gon na do with five cars i get in the car one ever since all five of these cars? Yours wait a minute. I don't understand how, but she didn't realize she was getting all five cars for whatever reason she thought she was only getting one, even though she put five in the triangle. You said all five cards. I won yeah, oh my god! Oh gosh! Oh my god.

Okay, we're just crying now: okay, calm down, moments like this are exactly why i love giving away stuff just watching this footage back warms my heart, oh, what am i doing? I just really want this is dino and if he can successfully jump out of a plane from thousands of feet in the air and land in this red triangle, i'll give him twenty thousand dollars and because i know tariq is afraid of heights. I offered him. Twenty thousand dollars to go up there and skydive as well face those fears tariq. Unless you hate him.

Okay, let's do it. Let's go, don't worry tariq i'll, always remember you buy this. Don't forget tariq jumps. You get another 20 grand godspeed, whether you go with him or whether you go by yourself you're getting out of this plane.

Oh my god, here we go! Here's that bigger triangle i'm gon na hit it man we're gon na get that apparently they just jumped out of the plane. So we should probably yeah we should move. We should get all the way we should get out of the way all right he's coming. In he's, coming in, oh, oh, you landed in the triangle here go back over there and as far as i can tell, he never left how you feel baby you made me feel great.

He landed in the triangle, 20 grand and because you jumped he just won 40 000. Have you ever had 40 grand in cash? No, what are you going to spend it on? I don't even know all right. Well, while he figures that out, let's go check on darren according to the cashier, so far, you've spent twenty five thousand dollars. I gave you this giant triangle, i know, and all you spend is 25 grand.
Can i use pallets? Yes, get some pallets put them in the strangle. I'm gon na give away more money. We need food to feed people deal under this black blanket is a triangle and whatever you can fit in that triangle, i'll pay for it's a big black tarp, though this is a big black tarp. There's, there's no key indicators here, anyways grab whatever you can.

Those are like 2 000. These, i almost have five grand in my hands right now put it on the table, you're, confident whatever triangle is over here. These are fitting in them. No i'm not baseball bat.

We could probably stack it on the side right if i think it's not gon na fit. I could put it aside. Whatever you put here, you have to put in the triangle. If it doesn't fit, you have to put it back, we might have to put some stuff back.

Let's put that in the baseball bat. Do i have to say it wait so you're putting these shoes back if you're sure here you go, i'm not sure, then i think it's time to show them the triangles that you've been waiting for wait. This is really cool. We're supposed to look at my triangle.

Oh yeah, we're supposed to reveal this. Oh man, that's easy! I can stack it there easy sorry, this uh! This is my pizza box. I actually left it there did you think this was a triangle. I totally didn't put it there to throw them off.

So you wouldn't spend as much money because there's like a million dollars in the store, there's no key indicators here, i'm still gon na go with the game plan, even though it's unnecessary at this point, oh you're, not using much. Oh. That was one thing that i really felt bad about. Okay, congratulations! You made it all fit.

What do you have to say before we go man? Thank you guys for everything. This is uh awesome. Thank you for the uh. The tips put it in the bag was definitely needed to fit in the triangle.

Yeah appreciate everything, and now it's your guys's turn chris. I need you to go, hide far away. Anything you fit in this triangle. Chris will pay for.

But when you finish we're going to remove it all and anything chris fits in this triangle. You'll have to pay for it. Do you think chris is going to go easy on you he'll go easy, i'm running his up, though, while you're doing this just remember. He has a kid and a wife, oh well, alexander mcqueen's, take some of those.

Why is this a thing? This is supreme wheat you're going to make christmas it's for you, though. Oh i get to keep this. Yes, oh, but chris gets to do the same thing. Oh, nobody didn't even get it.

What did chris do to you? That's so much money he's gon na hate me wow. You went easy on chris. I was joking. Chris is literally gon na hate you chris is gon na, be mad big mad.

What's the total? Six thousand five hundred seventy four dollars and forty five cents chris, is gon na screw you over get out of here. Chris chandler filled this triangle with stuff that you have to pay for which we hid and now we're gon na. Have you do the same thing for chandler? How much did he spend? How much do you think you spent like four grand is the friendship barrier? Is that okay, you're not going to get anything out of it? Is that a big or a small one, we're not giving you a hint? Is that a big one, we're saying go, grab stuff and put in that grab whatever you want? I literally set this aside before the video started, and i was like i'm gon na buy this, but now chandler's gon na buy well just for fun. You should get this brick that caused chandler to lose here.
Not only did it cost him to lose it also. Just cost him a hundred dollars, hey, let's go what, if chandler didn't put anything in the triangle or what, if he only put one pair of shoes, l, maybe i should have got a bigger book bag. Why are you doing it like that? You guys ready? Okay, all right and what is the total of everything he grabbed? Four thousand five hundred and fifty eight dollars. Eighteen cents whoops.

I broke the 4 000 friendship limit. Sorry, chandler chandler is standing in front of what he got and chris is standing in front of what he got. Gentlemen. Take off the blindfolds, hey it's pretty.

Even did you try to stay under four grand? Oh, my god, i didn't see the other side chris. You have to pay off sixty five hundred dollars worth of stuff and chandler. You have to pay forty five hundred dollars worth of stuff friendship limits. Four thousand yo 6500 yo 4500 hug it out, while you guys are paying for stuff we're going to the next place.

This is heather and she works at a children's hospital, whatever you can fit in here i'll pay. For so we can donate boys. I can just like see the kids light up when they see this. It's going to be simple dinosaurs.

We also brought some playstation 5's for the children. I think we call it here, we're gon na check out and then go take it to the hospital. We checked out loaded up the u-haul and drove everything to a local children's hospital, the children and staff. There were so excited to receive everything and i'm just beyond grateful.

We could help them. Thank you, mr b. Carl, do you remember in gamestop, where you did this? That was literally yesterday because of that he lost the gamestop. I think you know where we're going with this.

I put a whiteboard on carl's floor. That's not an expo marker. Is that a is that a triangle zealous anything you put in this oval i'll pay for it. Let's go steal stuff from carl: hey, yo, bro, bro, bro, well, you're gon na take the playstation.

Take the controller. This guy has another ps5. That was my secret one. This is nerve-wracking.

Actually jimmy. Can you catch this power glove? Sure, not the powerful? That's a mini-fridge! It's my monster fridge all right. Hopefully, nothing falls, wait, slow and steady, yep yep. I can't believe that worked.
Is that totoro, oh he's so cute. They took gaming consoles and laid a tv on it. They're serious robbing carl robbing carl all right. Take your hands off.

It's good: this is all balancing on two playstation fives yeah uh. I think we'll call it here. Congratulations on all the stuff and carl everything he took, i'm going to buy your uppercut. Oh sorry, we didn't actually take anything.

I'm going to buy rubber cuffs for carl nixon, all right, derek what the heck there's so much food here. I think it's been 12 hours. I don't even know anymore, but i have given this everything i got and i couldn't even come close to matching your generosity. You know what you could have done.

You could have just taken apart the triangle and put it around samsung. It would have been easier. You managed to put a lot of food in this triangle, cut to the drone shot. Let's go see the total and now the moment of truth, buffy tell me the damage.

How much did darren spend eighty two thousand and fifty eight dollars you couldn't even get over a hundred grand? I did my best man genuinely. Thank you so much for staying over late, guys shake your head yeah. I appreciate you. We were happy to help you guys because of the food we bought in this video, we're literally gon na start servicing another community.

Every two weeks go check out the beast philanthropy channel, we'll show you there goodbye.

By MrBeast

16 thoughts on “Anything you can fit in the triangle i’ll pay for”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Rosy plays says:

    Adam hugs Karl then Adam attacked chandler

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Lone Wolf says:

    Mr.Beast can you help me have axie infinity, can you be my sponsor then I'll just be a scholar I'll accept 40/60 income mine is 40 and you can have the 60% pls. I just really need it, thank you, from Philippines

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars HWK•DRASTIES says:

    MR BEAST…please buy me a PlayStation 5…I wish sooo bad..but im from south africa

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Lets Be Real says:

    “Configuration” “vertically” the measuring tape. I am DECEASED. They understood the assignment. 🤣🤣

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Muhammed Rizwan says:

    Brother give homeless Who is living in the streets and gully's a small home .Don't spent too much to this kind of things .Chellanging you and you whole team

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars John Jeremy Coles says:

    Mr beast in 2070:nuking mars and giving Elon musk a new one

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Vann Ly Hong says:

    Uncle beast Uncle beast i wanna do it so bad but there is no way to meet u

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Francisco Miranda says:

    Thank you if thats possible. Much love

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars hello says:

    If there was a Roblox gift cards I'll literally take all of them if it fits

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Oof_M_ says:

    How do I sign up for this? My son would trip

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Lucas DeCasper says:

    He is posing on his gaming he hasn’t posted for a while

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars amk says:

    the fact the we give him money by just watching it and he gave it to people is crazy to me

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Gabbar Satya says:

    I am from India can you help me with this?I don't know English I can talk in Hindi.

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Shadão_games says:

    If he does a square he is the front man

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Tarteel Al Yahmadi says:

    He a billionare🤑🤑🤑🤑🤑🤑🤑🤑🤑🤑🤑🤑🤑🤑🤑🤑🤑🤑🤑🤑🤑🤑🤑🤑🤑🤑🤑🤑🤑🤑🤑🤑

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars MrBeast says:

    Sorry for the long time with no videos! I tried spending 50 hours stranded at sea and got super sick and canceled it. After that I tried to build the world’s largest Minecraft mansion (spent like $300,000 lol) and it rained and fell. After that I filmed a different video that just wasn’t innovative enough so I deleted the final video. Whoops haha

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