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I uber people and give them the car
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I am going to uber people, but at the end of the ride, let them keep the car. We literally have a lamborghini and i'm going to give it away. You want to watch this video, i'm about to turn on uber and whoever we pick up. First is literally getting a free car.

I better get five stars. Two minutes away, get out, get out get out of there. We are watching jimmy on the big screen. We got a surveillance, bus and we're gon na watch him give away a car low-key, i'm freaking out a bit.

I see the guy waiting on the corner uh. I don't think he realizes i'm over here. Please don't cancel the ride. I'm trying to give you a car bryce right here hook, line and sinker.

We got bryce how's it going. This is actually my first ever uber ride. I wonder if this guy's noticed just this massive black van 10 feet behind him. I've missed a turn like four times yeah.

No. This is literally the first time i've ever ubered. Anyone if you had to choose who would you say your favorite youtubers are um. I don't know, there's a lot.

You know i know there are. There are quite a bit: have you ever made videos hey, you should go for it. Jimmy literally doesn't know how to talk about anything other than youtube. You figured out who you are a little hard with the math.

Can you give me five stars? He said make sure you rate five stars. Well then, here you, you can have the car actually yeah like for real yeah. Are you crying? No, no! I'm good. My car broke down recently.

So all right, well, perfect timing. So here come hop in the front seat. Hey there's the squad. Well, if you didn't believe it before now, you have five cameras pointed at you, so you probably do now.

Congratulations! Bryce on your brand new car! Thank you. So much. I'm gon na go hop in the black van and give away more cars. Since my first passenger recognized me, i decided to get a disguise, i'm gon na head to pick up my next passenger.

Hopefully they don't recognize me hey. Are you eight yeah hop on it? How are you guys doing good? I, like your mustache, thank you. So i'm new to uber. This is actually literally my third drive.

Are you liking it? Oh good. So far it's made 20 bucks, hey that's a bag jimmy! You have to figure out which one of these people is getting a car dude. Oh, we went to the salvation army, not the goodwill store. Oh, it should be right up here yeah, so you didn't mean to put this address in no.

I did mean to put this address in. I think it messed up, so you guys got to drive somewhere else yeah, so i'm just going to call another. No, no! That's fine here! Actually, how about you guys just take the car where you need to go. Obviously, are you serious you guys got it? Don't worry about it all right have a nice day.

All right, i literally gave them the keys and just walked away. They were so confused. What's up boys, we actually have a problem because i'm doing a video where uber people, let him keep the car, but there's three of you. What should we have them do to compete for the car? I don't think i really think of him right now.
You're just gon na dust, this off yeah, oh god, gentlemen, you are about to race, for this car right here dead, serious, whoever touches that wooden box and then this car first gets to keep it three. Two one go all right: oh he got a head start. Oh, my gosh, oh he's breaking away. Oh my god, she's breaking away.

Oh no, give me the centroid give me the central there. You go! Congratulations on your brand new car! Thank you no problem. Thank you. Thank you very much.

I appreciate it. That's so tight man. Thank you guys so much yeah. Thank you all right! We're gon na go give away more cars.

What do i do this one? You just drive. It cheers i'm with that. I'm with that, this makes it so much easier for, like me, and my parents, i'm honestly probably about to just give this to my mom, because she deserves it for sure this is definitely gon na help. A lot carl is about to do his first ride as an uber driver.

Are you excited? No, i just got one. I just got one, oh really on a scale of one to ten carl. How nervous are you 27. carl? It's not that bad you're, just gon na pick up a random person and we're just gon na.

Have you do a bunch of cringy and embarrassing things in front of 20 million viewers? Okay yeah! As far as you have so many lights on, tell us because you're afraid of the dark, hello, i'm carl we've all been there. We was trying to get into that man's car when he pulled up. Carl now has the passenger in his car. Things are about to get fun every time you pass a light.

I want you to bark and punch the roof, carl you're out of light i'll. Let that one slide this time, but next time i want a better park work there we go there, we go. What happened? Imagine being that guy in the backseat just how awkward it must be right now i hate to do this to your buddy, but i need a yeehaw yeehaw. How much do you hate me right now, yeah about a 10..

I will feel bad, but we're given the mana cards. So it's fine when you get to the destination, tell the guy that you liked him so much that you're giving him your car clap. If you heard that now it's time for the big moment, carl give away the car here, we go. You've been my favorite passenger.

So much you just keep the car. Obviously i'm bad at uber yo! You got me home you're good. I do want to keep the lights. Okay, you can keep the lights.

Actually. This whole thing has been for a video. I promise i'm not weird. We ran a channel named mr beast and we like to give away stuff, and so are you serious get out of here? I'm just i'm speechless.

To be honest with you, thanks for freaking me out and weirding me out, i guess it was worth the call. So you would say tonight's one of the best nights of your life yeah yeah awesome. Let's go give away more cards. I can't believe later in this video we're gon na uber someone with the lamborghini and give it away.
Imagine you called an uber and then they gave you a lamborghini. What we just did to carl was pretty brutal, and now it's chandler's name. No, don't punch me aback's gon na be sweet, hey, michael! Thank you all right, cool chandler now has his passenger in the car? Wait, wait we're out of light. You got ta punch the roof of me out who had a light.

You got to do it. We have like team death taylor you're about to go past. Another light this is literally better than any tv show in my entire life. All right chandler.

Are you ready to give away a car thanks? I appreciate it right here all right by the way man. I don't want this car. Do you want it? No! No! I'm cool wait so you're, not an uber driver, well yeah, just for that one i'll probably quit now we're filming a video where we're ubering, random people and giving them a car, and since we just super duper you get to keep the car. Are you serious you giving me a free car right now the whole time telling me what to say, dude, i'm so sorry? No, it's cool bro! It's cool, bro, that's cool, because you just got a brand new car, i'm blessed like man, you don't even know.

I walked to work like really yeah if anybody's there. This is him, my god. This is the best day of my life, i'm over with joy. Thank you.

Thank you. So much so far, we've ubered five different people and we've made 59.94. So far, some people drive for uber as a full-time job and after you pay for gas and everything this would be pretty hard to live off of so i'm gon na tip an uber driver. A car confirm pick up.

Our uber driver is 18 minutes away. Think this is him how's it going we're actually filming a video, and we wanted to give you something. Basically, today was my first day ubering and i realized just how hard it is. So i wanted to give you a present.

I want to give you this car for free, oh, come on. Man, don't make a jewel, that's not a joke. That's your brand new car are you sure, like i said, i've been uber driving all day and uh. It's a lot of work.

I really appreciate it. Man, i really have to - i don't know: how can i express my feelings congrats on the brand new car i'll, see you guys tomorrow? Do you know why i crammed you guys in this car nope it's because tyler cracked, the windshield, which means we should punish him? I had carl go to the party store and pick out the weirdest costumes. He could find any more stuff put on this wig. Now that you have your disguise on we're gon na go to the van and torture you tyler, we are now in the van.

Are you ready, you look ridiculous. I would never get in a car. If i saw this oh crap, did you actually just mess up another car, i'm actually shaking oh got a guy. I got a guy, i got it.

I just saw myself in the mirror. I look so creepy you michael sweet, i'm your uber man. How are you doing man hey how you doing who wants to kick us off? Do you like bananas, uh? Do you like bananas? Oh yeah, i like bananas. Look at tyler's face he's listening, get through the green light and go boom, shakalaka green light.
Let's go boom, shakalaka green light. Let's go hey! What's another boot shock lock at the next light boom shakalaka, let's go another green light. I love what he looks up and he's just like huh all right before you go real, quick, real, quick. I have these keys and i kind of want to just give them to you.

Man, you acting crazy, no, no, not acting crazy, build the beans. Tyler tell them it's a show, all right i'll, be honest with you yeah, it's actually a youtube channel. That's jimmy! That's shan chan! What's up jimmy, not much so have you ever seen the channel mr beast before? No, i ain't never seen mr beast. We're filming a video where we uber random people and let him keep the car.

What and since we distributed you you're got ta, keep thinking you're alive man. No, that's your name! This is crazy! Bro. I got a new car man yeah. This is all you will give you a thousand dollars to fix the windshield.

That was not on purpose the best day of my life man besides me getting married, i really want to appreciate y'all. I really want to thank y'all man because of you guys watching the videos we're able to help people like him and i'm glad you like the car. That was the most awkward thing i've ever done in my life. We've given away a lot of cars today, wouldn't you say yes, i would say: well we have this lamborghini and we will uber someone random and let them keep the lamborghini that's insane, but before we do that, we got to give away these three cars and whoever Gives away their car first, i will give their mom ten thousand dollars.

Go. I get out the white car, oh god, oh wow, let me get my feet. Did they put their seatbelts on mom you're about to win ten thousand dollars? I took a bunch of jimmy's apple products that i'm gon na give these people hold on. Sir, do you want a car? You want this car, oh my god, so i'm about to already give it away.

It's literally a free car. You want a psycho, don't listen! Literally, take it, i swear on my life. No, no hey take our car, it's just free all right give up on it. He doesn't want the car want a free car, we're giving away a free car.

I promise all right well, i'm at literally some intersection right now. It's a free car that car it's free. I promise you i'm trying to give away a car if you guys need proof that i'm gon na give you guys stuff here's an ipad you're to pass. Oh no, okay, i have a free car, it's free.

I know you don't believe me. Do you know who mr beast is. Sir, do you want a free car? You don't want a free car, all right, it's free! It's literally free just stop, but i'm trying to give away a car faster than my friends you're. All right.
I just don't understand hi. No, oh! Please do you want it, you want it! It's all! Yours! It's all! Yours all! Yours! I don't know how to be weird about it. I got it. I got it.

I gave one away: wait: tyler, you've already given away a car yeah 20 seconds ago, chandler hasn't given away one. Yet neither has carl let's go. My mom is out of a job. She's gon na be so happy mom.

You just won ten thousand dollars. Thanks to this gentleman right here, i can help you win. Ten thousand the moment. You've all been waiting for i'm giving away this lamborghini and i'm gon na start.

Looking for passengers now go a few moments later: oh, we got it all right. We, our passenger, is a live show. Let's do this. I can't believe i'm about to give this lamborghini to someone who called an uber free, lambo, free lambo.

It's honestly terrifying driving this car. It is so fast. This is like watching a youtube video, but live hey. Did you call the uber hop on in? Where are we going to my job? Okay, where do you work dude? What why are you driving this in an uber? I don't think she put your seatbelt on yes, sir.

Yes, sir, okay, let's start it uh, i'm 22. you're only 22. yep. I do this on the side to make money she's, like kind of surreal, just riding in a lamborghini yeah.

Well, so, if you owned a lamborghini, how would that make you feel uh? Definitely wouldn't drive uber i'll go ahead and spill. The beans. Have you ever seen the channel? Mr beast? I knew it dude. I just watched a video yesterday that you put out um.

You gave your 40 million subscribers 40 cards. Well, i guess you can see where this is going. Oh, my god! When i drop you off, this will actually officially be your lamborghini. Are you serious and you're you're lying nope no way man? I was supposed to wait till the end of the ride, but seeing you freaked out, i didn't even want to wait.

How tall are you? I'm very sure, perfect jimmy told him so early that now he's like got ta sit there in the car and just wait to win it. There's a lot of accidents up here, man so be careful with my car all right, oh my goodness dude! This is insane. There's the spot, there's the camera. Like.

I said this is your lamborghini. Let me open the door for you, sir. It's all you man, let's turn it on yeah. Oh my gosh, oh dude! This is the craziest thing.

That's ever happened to me in my life hit that subscribe button. Thank you for watching. Congratulations! Elijah, we'll see you the next video.

By MrBeast

12 thoughts on “I uber’d people and let them keep the car”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars TarikM says:

    What happened to that guy that got the Lambo? Any follow up on him?

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars MilkShakeFryDip says:

    haha if i won the lambo i would sell it because i need to pay rent XD

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Vincent Pixley says:

    They make so much money but Karl had a iphone 7 plus atleast

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jomamy says:

    I love the fact Jimmy
    Was wearing his moustache on the outside LOL

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Reid S says:

    You guys are changing the world. You guys are so awesome.

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Marie Martinez says:

    Hi Mr. beast it’s almost my birthday I love your videos and I am subscribe

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Gemma Anderson says:

    mr beast i love ur vids so much because u get alot of money and you dont spend it on sweets and PCs but you spend your money to make other people happy and if somone asked me who my favorite youtuber is the first person that comes to my head is mr beast!

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Christian domino says:

    You make people happy ❤️Carl was funny 😹I love your videos all the way from Africa

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Pec art says:

    Whoever is here in the time is it at 100m views is a beast

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars rodgerskyp says:

    there are lots of accident on this road so be careful with my car 😂😂😂

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Universal Chat says:

    Have you noticed people who don’t know mr beast usually win and get prizes

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Saikrishna T Bijil says:

    Can you buy me a macbook than can run xCode because I don' t have the budget

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