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We also tested everyone who came to his house to get a car. Don’t worry, we are being save!
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Today, i'm going to be giving my 40 millionth subscriber all 40 of these cars. We have a porsche, a chrysler, a tesla with a custom 40 mil wrap on it and even a spongebob car. I picked this one myself youtube gives you a list of your most recent subscribers and when i hit 40 million, i refreshed the list and i messaged the newest one, and all i told him is that i have a surprise for him. He has no idea we're giving him 40 cars guys stop.

Jumping on the cars. Imagine getting 40 cars. How much did you spend? How much do you think 300, 000? More really yeah, five hundred, i don't wan na die all right. Boys load them up now.

All 40 cars are loaded up on car haulers, because my 40 million subscribers 10 hours away and obviously i don't feel like driving 10 hours 40 different times, that'd be stupid. Let's go after 10 hours of driving we're. Finally, here, let's give away some cars, i'm terrified carl you're, not hey! Are you luke? What's up? Did you actually think we'd come? No, not really not okay. Well, i need you to put this blindfold on.

Your prize is huge. It's gon na take us forever to set it up. Sorry come over here. First off, i have no idea what room i'm in, i literally just walked in a random room.

Second, there's 40 cars down the road and he has no idea we're gon na walk him out, blindfolded and then surprise him i am so excited. I can't believe we're about to unload all these cars into his lawn. This is insane. This is the first of 40 cars.

Go ahead, upload it carl. I don't think he notices you. He can see me, that's not productive. What a 40 and the next car come on down.

Let's do this. This car actually looks really nice. Can i be my 40 million subscriber wait? Does this mean it's manual all right? Next car we've never done anything like this before this is ridiculous. Do you remember where jimmy said to put this uh? Here's good all right! You were our 40 million subscriber and because of that, take off your blindfold.

We brought you 40 cards, whoa dude no way. Obviously, you don't need 40 cars correct no way, which is why i have a challenge for you. If you give away all 40 of them in under 24 hours, you get this custom wrapped tesla, but the last nine cars are covered and, let's just say, luke's gon na struggle to give him away. Don't think the challenge is over.

Yet it's gon na get really hard. I'm a good salesman, though so okay, but that's at the end. Let's give away the unwrapped. Cars first see the timer there all right.

Let's do this! Oh i'm going my brother jake right here. You want to go grab them kind of. Surprise. Me bud this one right here: hey man hey! We can do this all day, but i got 39 more of these.

That is car number one of 40. gone. Do you have another brother? Well, i have a little brother he's. Like 10., i mean there's no rules that says you can't give a car to a 10 year old.

Then can you drive, maybe legally we're gon na? Have luke drive it off the lot for you, these are your parents. So if he gives away all 40 of these cars, i don't care who it is. He could give him to a random person at walmart. He gets that tesla.
So he wants to give you guys one so just walk through and pick one. I always like. The grand cherokee cheers yeah. What are your thoughts on this? I love it.

I think i can have this porsche go for it really yeah. Thank you. So much luke luke is currently texting all his friends to come and get a car. Imagine someone in your high school class just send you a text saying hey.

I have a car to give away. Would you actually believe your friend? No all right, so this is your friend carson got a lot of cars here, got to get them all gone and i get that tesla there's so many cars you can pick from jimmy. He wants the subaru, let the man get a subaru yeah. This is the one right here.

I got more cars, all right, buddy, good luck! What are your plans for these? Let me give some more my friends and some of my grandparents. Let's go give these away hey. What are you doing blooming right there? Oh, my god. We were giving luke 40 cars to give away, and he wanted to give you guys this one.

If i hadn't recognized you, i wouldn't believe it. You know how some people say. Only kids watch us. She doesn't look like a kid.

Just saying get your grandmas to subscribe today. Actually, i know you from my younger grandson all right well, never mind. This is what i've been needing a car just this size. Everybody please subscribe to just to be children like it, but the old people do too and we're here at his great aunt's house.

Yes, sir, all right, let's do this hey. How are you doing what are y'all doing? Oh my gosh luke: where did you get by it? This is yours. Your 17 year old nephew got you this car. Is that crazy? This is great and he was wanting to give us cardio because y'all support him for everything he does come to all his ball games and he wants to do something about it.

Give back to y'all. Thank you guys. Oh, you should keep your hands on the steering wheel. Let's head back to the lot: wait! Didn't we drive this car over here? That was our ride.

Anyone got uber we're back at luke's house and we still have lots of cars to give away. What's the good stuff, what's the gas, let me hear it now that i'm sitting here, that's spongebob cars. Thank you, my fancy, bro. Have you seen what it does? No, i haven't seen what it does.

I got. Ta get it now. I don't know one car has a water gun of them. You can't find oh do that.

My dad just called me and called him back. My best option out here was uh the spongebob rap jeep spongebob squarepants. He lives in a pineapple under the sea. Spongebob squarepants.

He's absorbent in yellow and boris: is he everybody ready? I'm ready. I'm ready. Carl doesn't know this, but this is actually his car play the clip of me taking it no joke. I paid someone to drive it 10 hours.
This is the last car luke's gon na give away shh surprise for the end you're luke's football coach. He wants to hook you up with the car man. I appreciate i don't know. Thank you for delivering school yeah.

Do you want a car all right? What was the question one more time? So it's my this is my car love. It thanks mr b just found three new people right who are they cheerleading? Are you single all right and we just grab three cars and head out yeah. So do you think one of them wants the white truck? I really don't, but i'm gon na do it anyway. Why is the windshield tracked? It wasn't cracked when i bought it.

You remember carl curl carl tariq told me you, cracked, the windshield we just snitching. Now, terry, what does that mean? Oh, my god! This is too much now that you gave them cars. We got ta go, give away the rest. We still have this much time remaining.

It was a boost for his happiness. Dude shut up three of his friends just pulled up. You want to let them grab whatever they want, whatever they want boys have at it. I'm loving this anime.

He is facetiming his mob, hey mom. So this is mr beast: they're giving away 40 cars blue dune, buggy mom i'll, be back in a couple days with it. I love it congrats on your new cars. You can take them home now, luke, you've, given away a ton of cars.

So far today, do you have any more friends i'm running out quick, but i got a few. You keep calling people. Let me know when you find someone all right. We got a looker me flagging down people work, so the dad doesn't believe that it's actually free, but the sun watches the channel.

So i'm letting you know there's got to be a catch, but there's not a catch. Let's see if you can drive stick. This might be the one for you all right. Oh all, wrong, there's something wrong.

That's not gas! Yes, it is it's out of gas here guys. I got it yeah, that's nice, what a thought if you put gas in a car it works. I think this would be a good time for luke to get back in the tesla luke. Do you like this tesla? I love this tesla good because you're actually on track to get it you're, almost halfway done with giving away the cars when you give away the other half this bad boy.

Is yours, gon na give away some cars? I think we're gon na find some random people at walmart. That actually sounds like fun all right, we're here in walmart, so you want to do that. Guy right there yeah yeah, hey man, you want a car, a car yeah. Do you believe us hard to believe? Well, it is true, have fun i'll use all you enjoy your car, sir.

Oh thank you. Then it doesn't make sense, but it's speechless all right driver on off. Thank you. We're now exact speeds.

What's the game plan or something okay, everybody get up there. I'm just gon na be like this. Is your car we're about to give away this car wish? Us luck, you're, so inconspicuous yeah. Do any of you want a free car, i'm thinking i'm a number between one and three pick a number.
The number was three. So whoever picked it just won. Congratulations on your brand new car, i'm gon na cry! I'm already crying about to go to college this fall, so this was just a really perfect gift people around here we struggle. We have to work really hard yeah.

I know his show because he comes here. He works hard every day. Well, congratulations! Thank you. So much.

Thank you, mr beast. It's legit, you probably couldn't be next. Luke you've been saving this really nice car. You want to tell us why this guy works for my dad he's such a nice guy.

We talked it over and we want to. We want to make sure he gets a car and he gets a good one. Yeah, nobody deserves a cardboard and he does. Let's take the car, then this is where you're working.

Yes, sir, what's up, i was surprised: luke actually has an extra car. He wanted to give away oh you're, not for real yeah. Yes, sir, i am you want to close your eyes and walk out front there. Oh y'all pulling my leg.

Nobody getting away here, open the bat boys this car right here. Are you serious whoa? What a surprise this is awesome, yeah, congrats on your new car thanks a lot. Oh man! This is awesome. Thank you, luke a whole lot.

Thank you. Luke's other grandparents drove hours to get here and they just arrived, got a surprise for y'all. Okay, all right! This guy right here shows up to my house and gives me 40 cars, and if i give away all these cars, i get that tesla. That is like crazy.

Can we get this car? You want this one. This is a beauty here. This is awesome, pretty cool. It's mine, oh my god.

Okay, here we go. Oh my gosh luke. This is so crazy luke. It is really really cool thing.

You're doing this is awesome. Come on big boy! Congratulations! Three hours later! I just wanted to remind you real, quick luke, that if you give away those 14 cards, this tesla is all yours. His friends just pulled up we're gon na go beat him, so we got luke and brad. This one's making me feel really good.

Well, that was pretty easy. Do you wan na at least drive it first yeah all right, congrats on your car got three more. How about you open up the trunk real, quick, holy crap because we destroyed this car so much. We put a bunch of money, get people off the lot, so we can give one more car.

These nine have been covered under tarps all day and we saved the wackiest for the end. You can pick any of these cars, but you can't take the tarp off before you pick. Good sounds fine. You can pick this car right here, but it could be made of toilet paper.

Okay. Well like what i see from the shape i like big tires. Are you sure you want this car sure? Because once i reveal it it's yours, it is a jurassic park. Why do you look like someone who would drive this? This is my normal clothing, all right all right all right have a good day.
Thank you, i'm so jealous of that one carl, i think you're gon na be jealous of the last one, not gon na ruin. It, but it's pretty epic, you guys can pick whatever car you want, but we can't take the tarp off. I have a good feeling. I know what i want that thing right there.

I know what i want. What do you think it is? I actually don't know. I don't remember: i bought these cars like weeks ago, trailer revealed yeah. This seems like a good call, this one.

Yes, this is a surprise for me too. I keep forgetting what i bought thanks for taking it bud. Oh it turned off. All right, go go, go! Go go, go, go, go, oh, it died, i feel kind of bad, but he picked the car hey.

What's up, i don't know what this is. It just looks cool i mean like well, then get it i'm going for it he's locked it in the dune. Buggy. Can you drive manual uh, not really there, it is all right looks like this was calling my name it has to.

Oh boy. Did you shout out to the front seat? Oh wow, oh man, i may or may not have put a bunch of money in this car as well. What are you thinking? This looks like a batmobile revealed that car this car is not only drivable on land but also water, the battery's dead. Oh no.

Actually, this car doesn't work, that's why we put money in the face of neutral pushes. This is what we can't. Forgive him, a car that doesn't work yeah, we kind of played ourselves, but we got to push it as well. Oh there's! No chance! Let's hit tariq come on guys.

Remember that video we had people put their hands on a stack of a million dollars. Yeah remember how mark won yeah. You came back to hang out man mark. You literally won a million dollars on our channel before how has things been? I won a million dollars and i was able to provide for my family and everything.

Thank you. I appreciate it man all right. Well, let's give away more cars next person right here. Maddie there are only three cars left with the truck you sure, i'm sure.

Oh i love it. It's literally. Three trucks like glued together got a lot of room for cargo in the back. What the heck, because this car is a piece of crap, we put a bunch of playstations in it.

Oh i'm the gamer! Okay, that's perfect! That's good! I'm glad you're a gamer and if you're a gamer subscribe to mr peace, gaming, yeah gaming channel shout out enjoy your trucks. Thank you very insightful. I love putting them on the spot. I will.

I think i might take my chances all right, hear the music getting really dramatic it's building up, because there's one car left, here's what it looks like at the beginning of the day and here's what it looks like now. We only have one car remaining little jimmy. Let's go you have this car and only this car i think i'll. Take this car.
Okay. I specifically only want call to unwrap the last car why? Why all right take your time, here's a clip of me destroying carl's car and then, after that, we bought him. This car and then for whatever reason he sold that car and bought this car kind of hurt my feeling, so we got ta, give this one away. I don't even know what to say just say: congrats on the new car little jay.

Thank you. After this we will buy you a new car, but you actually got to keep the car we buy. You come on carl. No, he doesn't even have a license plate ready to go.

Where are we going carl carl, let's get down here, okay, and with that car giving away luke you successfully gave away all 40 cars in under 24 hours. Congratulations on your new tesla! Anything you want to say! Thank you! Man! Thank you for real hit. The subscribe button we'll see you later, i'm glad it ended up with everybody, happy yeah, you know his name. He changed it once or twice, but i think it's here to stay.

By MrBeast

12 thoughts on “I gave my 40,000,000th subscriber 40 cars”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Deepak Bhardwaj says:

    Love from India 🇮🇳
    Send me one car 🚗 bro

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Fact WORLD says:

    I was so lucky if I leave near him because I remember when I subscribed his subscriber was 4.99 cr and when I subscribed it becomes 5 cr but i got no prize because I was in India

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Elena Paronitti says:

    Hey jimy you are crazy in the good way. Love you bro

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Crystalplayz344 says:

    My reason is…My family is kind of poor and they would be really happy! If they got one and I subscribed for them!

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars HAROLD NICOLAS says:

    hello mr.beast donaldson.i am a new suscriber.

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Hola! chef sonu lifestyle says:

    Hi bro I I'm in India please help me 13 iphone send me bro…

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Navdeep says:

    I LV HIM

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Navdeep says:

    I LV HIM

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Justin Paner says:

    imagine being the 39million subscriber rip

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars OOny's animals says:

    Imagine pressing a button and getting to meet a famous youtuber give away 40 cars and get a tesla

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Desi__boy____ Honey says:

    ऐसा चैलेंज हमारे गांव में बहुत ही जल्दी पूरे हो जाएंगे

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars MrBeast says:

    I was able to afford this because you guys bought the 40 mil merch! Thank you so much!!!

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