i borderline went crazy about 30 hours in...
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I'm going to spend the next 50 hours alone in solitary confinement. Good luck! I'm scared! This right here is the room I will be suffering in for the next two days. Normally I do 24 hours in a challenge like this, but I decided I'd push myself and go for 50. This is a one-way mirror and I can't see through it, but the boys on the other side can Chris could be licking this mirror, and I can't tell Oh a lick of it all right.

There's a TV in here that they have control of I'm gon na play its first day yeah. Mr. beast: hey! That's my channel you're watching your own videos! I hate you guys! I'm scared, let's see if the doors actually locked open this. If I leave early, my punishment is, I have to get slime, but if I survive all 50 hours, then all the boys have to get slime, which is why they're gon na try to get me out.

So we just kind of if we don't get Jimmy out before the 50 hours we get slime. I didn't know that I didn't either, but we got ta make sure he gets out hey Jimmy. You want to hear what the inside my throat sounds like. Thank you.

These are my friends: enjoy the music doing the entire world. Yes, I will admit it's pretty annoying, but I'm not cracking. Are they gon na? Make me listen to this, I'm trying to get annoyed Jimmy, so I'm having are you gon na finish that croissant play I'm just gon na lay here and ignore it they'll get bored eventually, let me talk to them. What here's the day shut up? Normally, when I torture you guys, I give you money, am i getting money you're getting something else? Green! It's enjoy all ten hours of patch of sleeping we're good.

We fixed it. I'm gon na give Jimmy the most anxiety ever enjoy. This got a couple of notifications, better check them. After listening to this iPhone alarm on repeat for over an hour, I realized this was gon na, be a lot harder than I thought, I'm kind of going crazy.

So here's the game, though those are the speakers. I have a chair. I can take the tripod from this camera. We're gon na put you on the ground.

You know how nice it is not to hear an iphone alarm and your ear constantly. I think they were gon na make me listen to this for 10 hours. That's ridiculous! All right! I'm gon na try to get some shut-eye. I think they all left to go, get things which means I'm here alone and when they get back they're, not gon na.

Let me sleep so I'm gon na try to get some sleep now. Hopefully I can catch a few Z's, because I guarantee you tonight they're not gon na. Let me sleep at all. Also not hearing that iPhone alarm is amazing.

I literally thought I was gon na die. Hey Jimmy hello, tell like the speakers on the speakers I sneak in there fix it. You messed up the speaker. This is a load of barnacles.

How are you this, despite only being three hours in the challenge? It was honestly getting pretty rough, but thankfully I destroyed their speakers. We can't play a speaker in there, but we can play a speaker out here in two there. He destroyed the entire sound system. So this is our solution done today.
I have a three-part plan to hide myself step. One is, I need, apply the door, so they can't see me do that step. Two is, I need to cover the mirror step. Three is I need to cover in the canvas once I do all that they'll have no way of seeing what I'm up to facing the corner.

Now that camera can't see this side of the room, as you can see, it can't currently see me boom and boom. Now the window is sealed, they can't see me and I move the other camera. They have no eyes on me. So hopefully I can get a good nap in and they can't wake me up.

We just filmed a rat, all of it was freestyle. Jimmy you're not gon na, be able sleep because you're gon na hear our sweet voices rapping all night long. I've been in here for almost eight hours, I'm bored and I still have 42 hours left, I'm not even a fifth of the way done. I think I hear Carl above me, but I don't know what he's do it so, I'm on top of the isolation room, I have the speaker's all set up, we're gon na open it up right there and we're gon na play.

Some music he's not gon na. Be able to reach it so we get to win Carl above me, um yeah. Maybe so I were to do this. Oh my god! No you come here.

I can't I'm listening to a screaming go. Is this what you've been doing the last five hours? I don't like seeing it from the side. Germany, I'm gon na hide under this blanket and they're gon na eventually stop torturing me, because I'm not very act and they're gon na get bored. What we're about to do is play the rap we recorded for Jimmy, because I think it's gon na annoy him pretty good Jimmy I'm gon na lower the speaker's.

We worked really hard on this, so please don't hurt the speakers. Okay, we'll play it over and over Jimmy ain't been to sleep. No, sir, not gon na give the satisfaction of reactive. Thank you go get one Petey all right, so we got Jimmy's food.

Sorry, here's your food! Thank you! Solitary confinement for XLR, easy! Thank you nerds! I don't know why they gave me a plane minyan, but I'm not complaining. It tastes good. I'm making this a little too easy. I need a ladder to fix that camera.

It's really high up. You guys took my tripod okay. My plan worked. I now have a ladder Karl made this hole in one I might be able to reach it with this ladder.

Haha I got the speakers. Okay, I throw those over there on a sight out of mind, I'm good at this stuff and now I'll fix their camera. Now that I got without don't know what that was, please don't tell them. I gave you literally.

Nothing happened. Just don't tell why their speakers are not Carl someone, whoever stole those speakers shoutout to you. I love you, you really didn't make it. We got Jimmy a little gift.

This is a favorite actor. That's ever existed drink, though hey what's up Jimmy, it's Drake Bell here. Mr. beast, I hope that you uh you succeed in your challenge.
The car wants me to say that you should really leave your room. I hope you succeed. I hope that you are able to turn it off. Drake wants me to succeed for Drake for drink.

I'm doing this for Drake Bell. I don't know why I didn't watch it before showing him, but he backfired completely and now I think it's gon na give him a burst of energy. So we got to diminish that as much as policy why'd. You have to go back on what we said.

Just read the script, I have no water clock, I have 47 and we took off the top so that he can't turn it off. Oh Jimmy's got wake up, hey man, it's kinda like a your alarms going off, because it's alarming you're not awake yet Jimmy your alarms turned off. I didn't do anything I wasn't even asleep. I was just laying here.

I think at this point we're just exciting them with how much that we're hanging out with him. I think we just absolutely isolate him now. Yes, it's been a pretty crazy first half day the boys. Don't see me messing with me at the moment, so I'm gon na try to get some Z's I'll, see you in the morning good morning, Tori yeah, the attorney on cameras yeah.

What is this solitary campfire? They made a mistake, giving me this bad boy, guys she's gon na cause destruction. Oh my god, he broke the TV. Oh no! Oh! Oh, hey Jimmy! You want some entertainment all right here. So I just wanted to give me a cake because he's been in here for a while and he could probably use the cake right now.

What I do last the leaves I typically feed the boys, so they don't die mystery mystery. True I'll get you something good! Maybe I've had something that properly nutrition eyes. My body? Okay, no, that's not a word. I might not salon you good.

We all know I'm gon na win. I don't care play all the Luigi screaming you want in there. Oh, that actually splashed on me a little bit Jimmy. Would it at a nutritious meal if he doesn't like that, I have a back-up plan.

What are you choking on some lasagna and chicken is pretty easy. This man's gotten lasagna State Kate. What is he not eating? In the shellfish last challenge, I had beans so terrible. Why don't you volunteer? Do this hey Jimmy? You have a visitor, oh hey! I'm not loving! That orange on you.

I think that's the least of my concern. I've been in here for 35 hours, mm-hmm! Don't you want to get out and go home with Maddy Jimmy? It's solitary confinement, not solitary! Hang out with your girlfriend, hey Carl! You ready! Yes, it's been a while, since I heard from them, so I think they actually went home for the night, which means I've, got it easy or they're waiting for me to go to sleep. So they can wake me up and piss me off to say that you're fine, you're, not really fun. I've been laying on this mattress for the last few hours.

She's chillin could have sworn the guys. We're gon na come back to mess with me, but they didn't so I guess I'll just go to bed. I don't know I'm excited to get out of here. This is my last night.
This place is disgusting. Oh gosh, I miss my bed. This sucks. It's time to wake Jimmy up, so let's give him something to listen to good morning like a normal person.

I start off the morning with a piece they got rid of my timer, so I don't know how long I've been in here. Also, I forgot to flush the toilet. To be honest, this isn't as hard as I thought it would be. I thought, while doing this challenge, I'd go really crazy, but I'm actually only going slightly crazy, Jimmy no cheating, he thinks there's four hours left and he still feels good.

There's 43 minutes left. We I had to get out your stink out. Oh hi Jimmy Fox at zero. You can come out now all right.

Let's let him out! You can come out that mean no. We were just worried. We're gon na fall, yeah yeah. They arrived at 9 a.m.

they then proceeded to make me watch an hour and a half of memes and they messed with me for 20 minutes, I'm God it's 1058 closet 11:15. When I get out, I have an hour and 20 minutes left and not leaving early close the store you guys are jerks. We already know we lost. Yes, I want to get him in there for another.

Let's go hey: what's up you're gon na lock the door it's been down, you stayed in an hour extra by the way you stayed 51 hour consolidation stage, two to one hours in solitary, he didn't know you're, not my mom. Oh he's a transition. I survived 50 hours of your torch. Oh.

By MrBeast

14 thoughts on “I spent 50 hours in solitary confinement”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars IM NOT THAT OLD!!! By Oswald. says:

    “Chris could be licking The window and I don’t know”
    Chris: oh I am licking it all right

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars FireLord50 says:

    noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooou lie

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars ItzLukrashark says:

    Oh someone is and do you still we need to get it out and bye-byel

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Christian paul Suyom says:

    If they need jimmy to get out."dontlockthedoor"

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Captain Dart says:

    After sealing windows, Moving Camera's angle….
    Mr beast:- "Naughty America" 🤭

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Quentin Palacat says:

    You have no idea how bad solitary confinement is cuz you end up eating bologna with no cheese no mayonnaise no nothing and then you sit there by yourself no TV no nothing

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Chiron says:

    That's cute, I've lived this way for the last several years

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars HWK•DRASTIES says:

    Mr beast…can you buy me a ps5…please mr..n really wpuld appreciate it

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Nature Yaya says:

    When mrbeast friend is tortureing him in a room he gets aggresive

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Dina Waikhom says:

    The camera man is very good he is thinking for Mr beast

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Maria Orozco says:

    Why was Karl wearing underwear while dropping the manikin in solitary

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Tricky (Tiky) says:

    Man, Jimmy really stayed in there for 51.5 hours

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars IM NOT THAT OLD!!! By Oswald. says:


  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Tommy Nemeth says:

    I think I have watched this a million times and it keeps getting better

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