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I bought this entire island, i have 10 challenges and we have 10 people and the last one of you to leave this island keeps it. So, let's just jump right into the first challenge. Last one to put a coconut in this hole leaves bye. Buddy, oh you're, very sweaty.

My whole family is going to be so disappointed in me. I didn't have time to get anything through my mind. I got so lucky, tyler grabbed the one i was going for and there was one more right behind the rock that wasn't there. I'm out jed, i'm sorry, but you lost the first challenge, so you must leave the island.

That's so true do a flip, and there goes our first contestant by the end of this video. Only one person will remain. I feel bad for the man, but the show goes on. I got an island to give away for the second challenge: you're gon na vote.

Someone off everybody write a name on that clipboard, whoever has the most votes is leaving. This is about to be really intense, so everyone's stuff is written down. Everyone give me all your pins. There we go now.

They cannot change what they have written down. The votes have been added up and we have a clear-cut loser: tyler, you're, safe, all right, good job, yes and between you, two yeah, i'm bad at this, though i'm really bad at it. Darren tyler tyler, yes, crazy, it's painful just so. You all know the person about to walk in front of you, the person about to lose this island.

You voted off. It was all carl's phone was all carl all right, darren walk down the pier sorry bro. This is bad. Oh my gosh, i saw that.

I love you thanks for coming out. Thank you. I feel so bad, but the show must go on before we do the next challenge. I just want to see how you guys are doing and feeling it yeah.

I want to die. I open trade paranoid. If i win i'm going to sell this island, i don't want it. Carl! Here's! A camera tyler hears the camera.

Now you all have a camera for this next challenge. We are playing hide and seek. No, please! No. You can go, hide you dude, and now all eight of them are hiding one.

Two three yo i got ta find a tree to climb quick. I swear every noise. I hear i feel like i am about to get caught. I've lost so much money on hide and seek maybe i'll climb on that tree.

89. 90. 91. 92.

I got a fart, hiding and seeking, but i'm just hiding, imagine they've lost an entire island because of a fort 296, 297, 298, 299, 300 ready or not. Here i come, whoever i find doesn't get a private island. The beauty of this is, i don't have to find all eight of them. I only have to find one.

I bet a lot of them hid in these bushes. I see you. That was a joke, but if someone is over there, they're pooping their pants. Did they go past me? No one over here chandler i have food.

I have a feeling i'll never find anyone. Birds usually make noise when they see people and they're making noise right there. I'm on to something: oh tyler, no, oh, my gosh wait. Did you see me walking up that whole time? I found him.
I just lost an island cause i laid here so tyler. You lost fifty thousand dollars in hindsight, sixty thousand seventy thousand, and now seven hundred thousand you've lost a million dollars and just hide and seek tyler. Congratulations. I didn't find any of you.

The person i found was tyler yeah. All those people are now gon na compete for the island. I want you to walk past them towards the boat here. It was an honor buddy.

Let me get one tyler. Let me get one bye, tyler glad it was you not me tyler. You missed the boats right there. This next challenge will be a swimming one.

I need you all to turn around and face the beach and then on. My signal turn around and swim to the boat last to touch it is out, but i'm gon na put it further away. This next challenge is very physical. It's easily the hardest thing we've done so far.

One of them is about to lose that entire island. Three two one go all right: tyler's in first ethan's at second, you jess is getting left in the dust come on come on all right, tyler's first ethan is second carl is third, chris is fourth chandler has an interesting strategy, but he's fifth nolan and dusk came In last, i can't believe i didn't lose. I really thought that was me, i'm so out of shape. I knew i was gon na probably lose because i'm not really fast at swimming, i'm so sorry jesse, we love you, we love you.

So do i make her get off the boat and then get back on, or do we just send the boat off? What do i do? I'm new to this? You know, island game, show type thing. It was a close race, but just came in last and we have to send her off and i feel bad for making you get off the boat just to get back on it. Boys salute bye. Chris said he found something: okay go see, what'd you find what'd.

You find look, it's a sponsor, that's convenient, because this video is expensive. Lords mobile, which is on apple and google play, is the best strategy game ever in lords mobile. You can play how you want you can attack with your whole army. You can play very sneakily.

You can hold other players ransom. Give me all your resources for carl do it, and on top of that there are over 340 million people in game for you to form alliances with. Apparently, these two people met on lord's mobile and ended up getting married carl there's hope for you probably not choose your troops, pick a strategy and then annihilate your enemy annihilation, and on top of all that, lordsmob wants to give away fifty thousand dollars. Fifteen ps4 pros and 15 nintendo switches the first way to enter download the game and tons of you will be given three thousand dollars in consoles and the second way to enter click.

The link in the description to increase your might range at the top ten highest. Might ranks will win three thousand dollars at the end of this competition and everyone who clicks the link in the description to download lord's mobile will be given a 350 gift. Pack click the link in the description, download, lord's mobile and let's get back to giving away this island chris. Here you go ethan carl, you must be behind the line and the only way to score is to put it in the circle land on the pad.
I don't care you're all gon na throw at the same time one okay. Three two 1. mine went over the hole it glazed over it. Maybe if it was even we did it.

Nothing is stopping me from selling this island. The second i win it. Congratulations on the wings boys, i'm proud of you guys, so one of them is about to leave. Thank god, i'm letting you guys decide chris easy.

You like chris. Absolutely chris is a threat at the end of the day. He wins a lot. He does all right.

I'm sorry chris, yes you're out, i'm sorry, honestly, i thought you were going to win the island. I tried. I gave it to my all, but you know you got to go, get on the boat nolan come here. I have no regrets.

Who is that guy? Was he a contestant for this next challenge i'll? Need you all to put on a blindfold blindfolds on? How do you wear this? Pull your blindfolds up. Look at this treasure chest all right! Put your blindfolds back on! I'm gon na go hide this on the beach. The first person to find it wins hey can someone give me a shovel? I don't actually need a shovel timmy's, our tarzan just put it right there and they don't know this, but whoever finds it first gets to pick who leaves next it's about to get insanely intense, oh man, my back hurts boom they're gon na think this is it As well, first one of you to find the treasure chest gets to pick who leaves next. Oh whoa.

Yes, go find the treasure chest, i'm so dizzy, there's no chance! Carl. What are you doing? You just digging a random hole. I just know that you think you're going to try to put it next to like a landmark of some sort. Oh god, where the heck is it damn that would have been a place.

Oh no dude is it in the water ow. Oh snap, keep looking! Where is it, where is it guys it's in a tree? I just don't know how you found it so fast, like i'm sitting there looking for in the sand carl open up your treasure chest inside is a golden coconut yeah. Whoever you throw this golden coconut at is out make your decision. It's between you, two i'm gon na be honest.

I'm just gon na say that i'm sorry, i love you. I appreciate it buddy. I picked the wrong choice. What this does not get easier? The more i do it, tyler, hey, it's been real.

You got ta lock down the pure shame cheers. I love you. Oh really, so you're not mad at him for voting you off, the beef isn't worth it. Man get out of here.

It's nice, knowing you hold on. Oh, he he's a little mad. Welcome to the final four yeah. Here's the thing you four need to pick one of the people who have lost and bring them back.
Uh jessie, i'm voting dusty. So that's two jess! I am also gon na go jessie. I picked jessie because i think she was one of the only people that's out right now that didn't say they wanted to vote me out. Chandler and carl are tight me and ethan just had to talk.

We really got ta get jessie on board, or else we may have a problem. There was three votes: oh jesse, so really my vote didn't matter. You guys wrote it for jesse and now she's coming back, jess jess welcome back to the island, jess! There's now five people let's go to the next challenge: here's what we're doing for the next challenge: we're gon na go person to person to person to person to person and see if you're subscribed to the channel. If you're not subscribed, you lose i'm confident.

You're all subscribed you're literally competing for seven hundred thousand dollars on my channel like how could you not be a subscriber all right, carl? Oh, my god, we're gon na search mr beast, he is subscribed. He passed the test, speaking of which you guys should subscribe, because, if you're ever competing for a million dollar island i'd hate for you to lose because you're not just saying i'm going to open up youtube. Yes, he is no way. No! Oh, my god! Okay, you are subscribed, he is subscribed you're.

The last person subscribe, you all were subscribed to the main channel. So logically, now we check if you're subscribed to the gaming channel carl is subscribed to mr b with that bell press. Oh look at that. Nolan is not subscribed to mr beast gaming: oh, but don't worry nolan! We have three more people to check all right.

Are you going to redeem nolan, no you're on our island search, mr beastgaming, he is subscribed. Ring ring all right. All right boys pay attention. Oh yeah, she is subscribed everyone that is actually logical and subscribe to important channels.

Yeah step aside gladly and now it's time for the most important subscribe test of them all pewdiepie. Are you subscribed? I don't know what to do. Yes subscribe? Yes, yes, let's do it tags if you're not subscribed, you have to leave the island. Oh my gosh q d pie.

He is not subscribed to pewdiepie nolan. You continue to the next round and tags. I'm really bad at this. But you don't this.

Isn't even your channel ethan buddy, it was tragic. You already know what i'm going to say. The boat's there hey bro i've been in a spot like this. It gets better.

You just keep losing i'll, keep the seat warm for you, nolan you're, next bud, bye, y'all, bye! You four are all that remains. I want you four to break into teams of two i'm gon na. Let you decide, i think a lot of people slept on jessie, but she's a winner and we're gon na win this together. This is my buddy and now there's four again: take your golden coconut.

Take your golden coconut toss it to your partner. All right now. Take a step back now: you must throw it back. Whoever drops their coconut first loses.
You ready, yeah, ready, okay, all right, they caught it. Take a second. If you need to all right, take a step back, oh we're out. Next now we're getting pretty far away.

Give it another toss, go split, ready, that's all dead. Oh i'm so nervous, i'm so nervous. I have an intense feeling that carl's about to drop this, stop. Stop you ready, stop, don't drop, it.

Don't drop it. Yes, all right! I cannot pass this line. I got you carl, throw that coconut. Oh, that was so money boys pick a number between one and two two, two i'll be right back.

Wait! Oh no! Wait! Now we're going to have a game of walk. I had carl and chandler pick a number between one and two, whichever one of you guesses, it stays on. Whoever gets the wrong leads nolan. What's your pick, one or two i'm gon na go two.

What's your pick, one? Okay, chandler! You want to tell them what number you picked. I picked two yeah say pick two. I have to go back on the boat. Are you getting seasick by this point? I'm so happy you're.

Still in nolan you can head on back. I can still sell the island. I'm so sorry, today's been a roller coaster of emotions. It's been ups downs, but i'm still here, bye, third time's, a charm.

What's up dude, my biggest competition is probably carl but we're on the same team right now, but if he separates us, which i think he will it's gon na be a problem, i'm an animal, i'm an animal. We got this we're winning. The second to last challenge is coconut bowling. We set up bowling pins and we have coconuts they have to bowl and see how many they can knock over dude.

I'm pretty good. That was first try we're deciding who's getting a 700 000 island by bowling. That sounds about right. Okay, carl pick who goes first nolan.

It is nolan. Here's your golden coconut! You get one vote. Whoever knocks down the least amount of pants loses it's just a little bit of pressure, not not much pressure. Let's see it.

The island baby, the island - oh i'm, not happy with that. I'm not happy with that. Bro some stupid pins could cost me 700 grand they probably already did you can go, take a seat. Sir yeah.

All i have to do is give a little effort. I'm beating nope, if you knock over five pins, you have a guaranteed slot in the final two channel. Oh my god ain't. Nobody beating that.

I think there's 10 down there and i think this 10 knocked down. That's 700 grand yeah. This is the least confident i've ever been about any of the challenges we've done today. I'm not gon na literally just have to knock over half the pits.

I know carl is known for choking exactly hear that music getting more dramatic. The whole world is watching. You watch survivor every week. I know we'll make it happen.

Let's do it ready to watch dreams come true, no, don't think about how your entire life you'll think about this bowl. If you missed carl, just please hit at least one. Oh, my god, don't choke carl! He did it, he did it, he did it, he did it. We died.
Oh my gosh carl. I thought you were a god. I barely reached the pins yo that one's slower - i don't know, carl the ball literally stopped in front of the pins and just went and then knocked over four. Oh, my gosh remember how i said the music was getting intense yeah.

Now it's getting more intense, oh god nolan! I think we can cut the chatter literally. All you have to do is knock over some pins just hit. It feel the moment. Oh my gosh, oh my! No! I keep on throwing it left.

I missed all the pins carl step up to the plate. Step up. All you have to do is hit one booyah, i'm proud of you, carl you clutched up man, oh my god, but you still didn't do better than me, but you did good nolan buddy, i'm so so i know you wanted 700 grand just wanted to sell it. I know you did, i know, but the island deserves not to be sold yeah, i'm not gon na sell it.

The boat will be here any second, but this time it's different. It's carrying all the losers on it. Why you'll find out in a little bit welcome back everybody? I don't know why you're here, but hey, welcome back everybody nolan. Thank you for joining me.

Nolan wasn't rolling. Am i right? Our final two contestants are carl and chandler. Go you're probably wondering why i brought all eight of you back and you're, probably wondering as well. You guys will decide who wins this 700 000 island and here's how we're gon na do it chandler will let you go first, i'm gon na give you a minute to plead your case, say whatever you want guys.

If this magic trick does not convince you, i don't know what will, as you can see, they're connected. Ladies and gentlemen, thank you. I don't know what just happened. This is a serious video.

I promise all right carl come on over here. I can't one up that speech yeah. I don't know how you're gon na one-up, whatever just happened there, but carl you have the floor. These eight people determine whether or not you're rich.

Oh, he just turned around just turned. Oh, they just turned her on too see it doesn't matter if you get in the top two. It matters how you got in the top two here we go. Let's go yeah yeah.

Maybe you should dance. Oh you're, picking who leaves we'll start on the end and we'll work our way over nolan proceed. Who do you want to vote off? Sorry, carl, you caused this. I don't think i need to talk anymore.

The betrayal carl got ta go me and my boy carl we're going to the finals together. I am voting out chandelier. I love both of them so much, but i know if carl doesn't win this he's going to be very sad survivor's. The only thing he cares about in life, i'm voting chandler, i'm writing down chandler, because i really don't think carl's going to get a single vote.
Carl had it hard. I want to make sure he gets at least one vote. I feel bad sorry, carl you're. Still, my friend all right, they're judd carl played a good game, but on the other hand, i now hate coconuts and his head is kind of shaped like one like it's difficult all right come on down you're the last vote.

It's tough because carl wrote my name down. It's almost like i'm supposed to feel sympathy for him, but he didn't feel sympathy for me when i got voted off nothing personal, i'm! So sorry, all right! I'm now going to read them off carl! Oh! Wait! That's bad! Carl again: chandler, okay, chandler again it's tied up, oh anxiety, carl, less anxiety, chandler, three votes for each so far, yo it looks like a couple names on there carl. This is the final one. Currently carl has four votes and chandler has three.

The final vote goes towards chandler what it was a tie. What y'all just got ta change your minds about carl. I thought you guys hated. It carl was in the lead and then he was the last person and then he flipped a coin.

I didn't really have a backup plan. Honestly, i thought it was gon na be completely different. Here's what we're gon na do we're gon na put all these votes back in here. All eight votes are now back in the box.

I'm gon na. Let someone pull one jed got out first, he didn't really get to do much. So, let's let him do this. He is about to determine whether or not you have seven hundred grand the winner of survivor.

Mr beast: chandler, let's go just like hide and seek all over again lost a million dollars all the way. Up to this point, i won seven hundred thousand. I thought this was my time. I'd say he's overreacting, but seven hundred thousand dollars would be enough to retire.

Anything under-reacting right now. This is going in my room. You're gon na win one guys carl's officially lost over a million dollars in challenges. Yeah, look! Now you can you now you get the wings.

I can't. I can't only one person don't get hurt on my island. I'm responsible you guys made memes about me, you did saying i would never win well. Look i tried today and i won you heard the man make me it's about him.

Winning now hit that subscribe button, so you don't lose 700 000 in the future. Congrats on your island carl stop crying we'll see you in the next video.

By MrBeast

12 thoughts on “Last to leave $800,000 island keeps it”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars VIKI TECH says:

    And we all know the island will be back to the owner 🤣🤣🤣 and all of them will be payed for their work 😂

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Zarco says:

    Kinda pissed that Nolan won, all that fun stuff just for Nolan to sell it

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Random Things! says:

    Did Chandler really win? It was just luck.

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Catherine Pulmano says:

    Karl id so sad beacause he lose the 800,000 dollar he cry inside the chest 😢😢😢😢

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars ibrahim maftah says:

    Bruh it said chandler so Karl was supposed to win-

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Magam Gowthami says:

    if i was chandler winning i would share it to karl

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Flamingo says:

    Mr beast : the show much go on :banan spilts movie: HEHe THE SHoW MUST GO ONNN 🙂

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Matthew Calderon says:

    Just give me a total drama Island vibes

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars holamamacitaz says:

    Me if i was karl: “ALRIGHT SCREW YOU GUYS *casually swims away*”

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars •Bvnnyluvves• says:

    i feel so bad for karl and hes so cute!! Cg chandler tho!!

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Fatih Mustafa says:

    I subscribed to you and downloaded lords mobile

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars MrBeast says:

    Subscribe! I’d hate for you to lose money because you forget lol

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